Tips for Navigating the Holidays

Paul Bishop



While many around you celebrate the “most wonderful time of the year,” you may struggle to get through it. It may be a loss that has made this a challenging year, or maybe it’s just an especially lonely time where every movie and song seems to remind you that you don’t have a family to share it with. Perhaps you have a huge family but dread some of those interactions or awkward moments. Maybe your family is great, but the stress of shopping, baking, decorating, and attending so many events has got you down. Here are seven tips to help you through this season.
1. Allow yourself to do less this year. It is okay to skip sending out cards, miss that one party, or not bake that batch of cookies.
2. Lower some expectations. Remember that you will have some grumpy relatives or angry drivers out there. Expect it and accept it.
3. Plan for the tough days. Get to bed sooner the night before. Pace yourself. Ask a friend for support and prayer.
4. Take time for yourself. This is especially needed if you are an introvert. Give yourself time to recharge after a big event.
5. Set some boundaries in place. Say nowhere you need to. Limit your interactions with some. Walk away when you need to. Don’t go to that party that may lead you back into old habits or addiction.
6. Look ahead. This season is temporary. A new year is coming, and new opportunities are ahead. Dream and imagine what can be.
7. Focus on the main thing. Remember that Christmas is about Jesus, grace, and peace; focus on the good news of why He came.
No matter what you are feeling or facing this holiday season, remember that you are loved, know that you are not alone, and reach out if you need support!


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